What is a yoni steam?
Also known as vaginal steaming or v-steaming, yoni steaming is a holistic health practice in which a woman allows the warmth of herbal steam to gently permeate her vagina. Yoni steaming is a powerful ancient remedy that has been used for centuries by women worldwide. This gentle treatment provides effective support for the female reproductive system, and invites reconnection with the powerful, creative energy of a woman's center.
Who should be yoni steaming?
Yoni steaming is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with your body and reignite your vibrance. We encourage most women to try a yoni steam (aka. vaginal steam)! You are likely to see great benefit to this ancient remedy if you suffer from irregular or painful periods, infertility, uterine fibroids, perennial tears, bladder and yeast infections, vaginal or ovarian cysts, hemorrhoids or scarring from C-sections, hysterectomies and laparoscopies. Yoni steaming is also recommended even if you are not experiencing any of the above, as it is a great way to soothe and pamper yourself, and is known to relieve anxiety in women.
Who should NOT be yoni steaming?
First and most importantly, women who are pregnant, or think there is any possibility that they might be, should NOT do any type of yoni steam. Doing so may endanger the pregnancy, as many of the herbs used can alter hormone levels and can cause contractions of the uterus. Women who have any type of internal infection (cervical, uterine or ovarian inflammation), or a fever, are encouraged not to steam until the symptoms have passed. Women also should not steam while menstruating or when open sores or blisters are present.
How often should I yoni steam?
As part of an overall self-care regime, we recommend that women steam ATLEAST two to three times per month, always during weeks in which you are not menstruating. Women who suffer from pain, bloating or exhaustion during menstruation should steam two to three times within the week before menstruation. Women who are experiencing fertility challenges should steam once per week, and maybe twice during pre-ovulation, to make sure that the tissue is moist and that the cervical fluids are clear and copious. They should expect to steam for three months before seeing results. For the postpartum, a yoni steam may be done three to five times per week for four weeks to facilitate healing and toning of the uterus and vagina (please be sure there are no open wounds and that you are no longer bleeding). Women who are experiencing or who have passed menopause should steam at least three times per year for maintenance, but may steam more often if it feels right. If your challenges are chronic, you may want to steam up to three times per week to ensure the greatest results.
Why isn't it recommended that women with an Intrauterine Device (IUD) do a yoni steam?
It is debatable whether or not it is recommended for women with any kind of IUD to steam because SOME of the medicinal properties of the herbs are intended to cause the uterus to contract and shed its lining. When an IUD is present, the risk is that this could cause the uterine tissue to shed or contract in such a way that it could dislodge, shift or expel the IUD. With that said, some women with IUDs have steamed and have reported great results, including reduced cramps during menstruation. However, when steaming with an IUD, doing so is at your own risk. If you choose to steam with an IUD, we do a mild set-up. We take the burner from under the pot and we steam for 15minutes as opposed to the 45minute steam time.
Why should a yoni steam not be done during menstruation?
During menstruation, the uterus is in its natural process of shedding and releasing. Because this is already an intense, downward moving energy, the added stimulation of a yoni steam may cause heavy bleeding and excess material to flow out. For this reason, it is best to yoni steam on the weeks in which the uterus is in its more restful state.
Why should a yoni steam not be done during pregnancy?
Yoni steams encourage the uterine lining to shed any excess build up each month. This is important to note because, in the case of pregnancy, the uterine lining is built up in order to create a nourishing haven for a fertilized egg and growing fetus. Therefore, anything that causes the uterus to contract and cleanse itself, such as a yoni steam, should be avoided so that the lining stays intact.
What should I expect after doing the steam?
Your the menstrual cycle can and does change after doing a yoni steam. Often, there is a great deal of material that is "encrusted" to the inside of your womb, which is expelled after doing the yoni steam. The herbs have a powerful effect on the uterus, dislodging much of what is stuck. Sometimes this means your flow will be very heavy, dark and thick for just a day or two, and other times it just extends the length of your period to get it all out. Ultimately, your next period will be much lighter and more pleasant than ever before. Other than feeling relaxed and pampered, you should not expect to see results immediately after the steam (there will be no visible discharge at the time). For more information on what to expect, and whether or not your results are "normal" check out our benefits and side effects.
I had discharge or bleeding after I yoni steamed. What does this mean?
If you have a lot of “induration” (stuck material) inside your uterus, you can probably feel that it really wants and needs to come out. In this case, the herbal steam may immediately help to loosen it. This could result in the uterine lining shedding, which would of course mean bleeding, even if it is not the usual time of the month. Don’t be alarmed, even if a lot of material comes out over the next few days.
I experienced cramps after yoni steaming. Why would this be?
Again, if the lining of your uterine walls is indurated, there is likely a great deal of material left over from past cycles that needs to be released. With the support of the herbs, your uterus will begin to work hard to release the stuck material. Because your uterus contracts when it works, this could cause some discomfort in the short term, but there is no need to worry! Your future cycles should be more comfortable as a result.
Does yoni steaming really work?
There will always be those who doubt remedies that are not proven by modern science. However, yoni steaming is a remedy that has stood the test of time. For generations, women have shared their success stories among one another, and are only now beginning to share them with the world.
My doctor told me not to try vaginal steaming. Why would this be?
Some Western medical doctors may be resistant to the idea of vaginal steaming. This is not because the treatment is dangerous or ineffective. It is simply because this is an ancient remedy that is not taught in medical schools, and there are no scientific studies to "prove" it's effectiveness, and Western doctors often feel quite uncomfortable about it as a result. However, the women who utilize this treatment understand that millennia of women's wisdom and testimonials are just as valid, if not more valuable, than a scientific study in a lab. We recommend that you ask your doctor his or her reasons for the resistance to the treatment to better understand if the recommendation to not steam is specifically related to your unique body, or is a general statement about the practice itself. Most importantly, listen to your own intuition as your guide
When is the best time of the month to steam?
You can steam at any time of the month, as long as you are not menstruating. It is typically recommended that for treating menstrual pain, you do you at least two vaginal steams in the week leading up to your period. After doing so, you will likely see a change in the fluid you pass when your period begins. You may also steam once after your cycle ends, to clear out any excess materials. You can also steam during a full moon to absorb all the energy from the moon.
How long after birth should I wait to steam?
We recommend waiting until you are no longer bleeding before doing a yoni steam. Four days postpartum is ideal if there is no fresh blood. Spotting, with dark colored blood, is okay. Obviously, in cases of extreme bleeding or hemorrhaging, a yoni steam would be contraindicated. There is not a point at which it is too late, as you will receive the benefits any time you decide to steam. Women who choose to do their first steam 4 or more months after giving birth often report getting their first cycle, even while still breastfeeding.
I am struggling with fertility challenges. Can yoni steaming help?
Yes! Yoni steaming has been seen by many women to support with fertility. There may be many reasons for fertility challenges, but one of those reasons is induration (build up of material) on the uterine wall. Yoni steaming helps to loosen that material and allow it to release through menstruation, making space for the fertilized egg to successfully attach itself. We recommend combining yoni steaming with abdominal massage therapy – the deep external massage on the uterus - for a dynamic approach that has brought many women success. It is recommended to steam at least once per week, when you are not menstruating, for three months before expecting to see results.
I have a uterine fibroid. How can vaginal steaming help me?
Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths of the uterus that develop from the smooth muscular tissue of the uterus. A vaginal steam may support this issue in that the medicinal properties of the herbs would help the uterus to shed the excess/non-essential tissue or cells, in this case the tumorous ones. The Isis Wellness bar steams contains Motherwort because this plant is thought to be especially useful for treating fibroids and polyps. The blend also contains calendula and pink rose petals, which serve to cleanse and nourish your healthy uterine tissue. The catch is, you should not steam while you are bleeding, especially while bleeding heavily, as is often the case with uterine fibroids. When you are not bleeding, you may try a vaginal steam to gently but effectively encourage the uterus to take care of itself. Start by steaming twice per week, on the weeks that you are not menstruating, for 3-4 months to see if there is a shift.
How is vaginal seaming beneficial for women pre- or post menopause?
Yoni steaming is a wonderful treatment for pre and post menopausal women, as it may help shed excess uterine material as well as keep you connected to your powerful creative center. Whether it's used for cycling or menopausal women, the steam contains herbs that are specifically indicated to help cleanse the entire reproductive system and purge anything that is built up inside the uterus. Teacher of Maya medicine Rosita Arvigo states that women who have gone through menopause should still steam at least three times per year, and that likely, material will come out every time. In addition, many have shared that steaming has helped with post-menopausal vaginal dryness, internal discomfort, and pain during intercourse.
I've had a partial or total hysterectomy. Are there any benefits of vaginal steaming for me?
Yoni steaming is great for all aspects of female health, so it can definitely still be beneficial for you! Although all or part of the physical uterus may have been removed, the energetic center remains and can benefit from the warmth and clearing. Steaming is also great for increasing circulation, eliminating odor and eliminating bacterial infections such as yeast infections, bacterial vaginitis, cervicitis and Trichomoniasis (according to the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism). Of course it is also a wonderful way to relax and pamper yourself, which is always a lovely benefit.
Isn't it contraindicated to steam if I have a bacterial infection (i.e. bladder infection, yeast infection, or bacterial vaginosis)?
On one hand, some say it is contraindicated to steam with any kind of bacterial infection because, in general, introducing heat and moisture to a bacterial infection is not the best way to treat it, and may make it worse. On the other hand, if you are using antimicrobial (anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal) herbs like mugwort, rosemary, and lavender , the properties of which are carried by the steam into the pores, then you may actually be effectively treating the infection by killing the microbes that cause it.. We have heard several testimonials from women who have experienced rapid and thorough relief from yeast infections, bladder infections and bacterial vaginosis. So while you want to monitor your symptoms carefully to ensure they are not worsening, the steam is worth a try if you are experiencing chronic symptoms.
Does yoni steaming increase sex drive?
Yes, yoni steaming can definitely increase sex drive! On an emotional level, yoni steaming supports us to cultivate a profound sense of self-love and increases our self-confidence (especially as it relates to our yonis!), which has great implications for a woman's sex life. On the physical level, yoni steaming increases circulation and increases lubrication, which is clearly great for the libido and sex life as well. In fact, the very act of steaming is slightly arousing, which helps us get turned on!
How long will Isis Wellness Bar Herbal blends last?
As long as they are stored in a cool, dry place, the herbs will last for approximately two years. Beyond two years, the herbal blend will still work to some degree, but may be less aromatic and potent. Herbs are thoroughly dried and sealed into a pouch that maintains freshness, and as long as herbs do not absorb any moisture from their environment, there is no risk of the herbs becoming toxic over time.
Can I use essential oils instead of herbs?
No. Please do not use essential oils, as they are far too strong for this purpose, having the potential to cause damage. Only use organic fresh or dry herbs.
Are Isis products hypo-allergenic?
All ingredients are generally safe for all skin types, yet some people may still have individual allergies to certain plant botanicals. (The same holds true for any cosmetic or food ingredient). Those with sensitivity to plants should test for reaction by placing the herbs on the back of the hand. If itchiness or discomfort occurs, do not use.
Isis Wellness Bar offers an open disclosure policy regarding ingredients, so if there is any particular botanical you seek to avoid, you will see it clearly listed on the label.
What does the word "yoni" mean and why is it used?
Although the terms are interchangeable, we use the term "yoni steam" rather than "vaginal steam" because the word yoni describes the women's reproductive system in its entirety, rather than a singular part. Indeed, the steam treats the entire system, not just the vagina. Yoni is a Sanskrit word meaning "vagina", "womb" and "origin of life".
What does the word "Isis" mean?
Isis is one of the most prominent Egyptian goddesses. Isis is the Goddess of healing. Isis is the Goddess of women and fertility. She was the protector of all women and comforted women during child birth. She is the divine mother ofthe universe.
Also known as vaginal steaming or v-steaming, yoni steaming is a holistic health practice in which a woman allows the warmth of herbal steam to gently permeate her vagina. Yoni steaming is a powerful ancient remedy that has been used for centuries by women worldwide. This gentle treatment provides effective support for the female reproductive system, and invites reconnection with the powerful, creative energy of a woman's center.
Who should be yoni steaming?
Yoni steaming is a wonderful opportunity to reconnect with your body and reignite your vibrance. We encourage most women to try a yoni steam (aka. vaginal steam)! You are likely to see great benefit to this ancient remedy if you suffer from irregular or painful periods, infertility, uterine fibroids, perennial tears, bladder and yeast infections, vaginal or ovarian cysts, hemorrhoids or scarring from C-sections, hysterectomies and laparoscopies. Yoni steaming is also recommended even if you are not experiencing any of the above, as it is a great way to soothe and pamper yourself, and is known to relieve anxiety in women.
Who should NOT be yoni steaming?
First and most importantly, women who are pregnant, or think there is any possibility that they might be, should NOT do any type of yoni steam. Doing so may endanger the pregnancy, as many of the herbs used can alter hormone levels and can cause contractions of the uterus. Women who have any type of internal infection (cervical, uterine or ovarian inflammation), or a fever, are encouraged not to steam until the symptoms have passed. Women also should not steam while menstruating or when open sores or blisters are present.
How often should I yoni steam?
As part of an overall self-care regime, we recommend that women steam ATLEAST two to three times per month, always during weeks in which you are not menstruating. Women who suffer from pain, bloating or exhaustion during menstruation should steam two to three times within the week before menstruation. Women who are experiencing fertility challenges should steam once per week, and maybe twice during pre-ovulation, to make sure that the tissue is moist and that the cervical fluids are clear and copious. They should expect to steam for three months before seeing results. For the postpartum, a yoni steam may be done three to five times per week for four weeks to facilitate healing and toning of the uterus and vagina (please be sure there are no open wounds and that you are no longer bleeding). Women who are experiencing or who have passed menopause should steam at least three times per year for maintenance, but may steam more often if it feels right. If your challenges are chronic, you may want to steam up to three times per week to ensure the greatest results.
Why isn't it recommended that women with an Intrauterine Device (IUD) do a yoni steam?
It is debatable whether or not it is recommended for women with any kind of IUD to steam because SOME of the medicinal properties of the herbs are intended to cause the uterus to contract and shed its lining. When an IUD is present, the risk is that this could cause the uterine tissue to shed or contract in such a way that it could dislodge, shift or expel the IUD. With that said, some women with IUDs have steamed and have reported great results, including reduced cramps during menstruation. However, when steaming with an IUD, doing so is at your own risk. If you choose to steam with an IUD, we do a mild set-up. We take the burner from under the pot and we steam for 15minutes as opposed to the 45minute steam time.
Why should a yoni steam not be done during menstruation?
During menstruation, the uterus is in its natural process of shedding and releasing. Because this is already an intense, downward moving energy, the added stimulation of a yoni steam may cause heavy bleeding and excess material to flow out. For this reason, it is best to yoni steam on the weeks in which the uterus is in its more restful state.
Why should a yoni steam not be done during pregnancy?
Yoni steams encourage the uterine lining to shed any excess build up each month. This is important to note because, in the case of pregnancy, the uterine lining is built up in order to create a nourishing haven for a fertilized egg and growing fetus. Therefore, anything that causes the uterus to contract and cleanse itself, such as a yoni steam, should be avoided so that the lining stays intact.
What should I expect after doing the steam?
Your the menstrual cycle can and does change after doing a yoni steam. Often, there is a great deal of material that is "encrusted" to the inside of your womb, which is expelled after doing the yoni steam. The herbs have a powerful effect on the uterus, dislodging much of what is stuck. Sometimes this means your flow will be very heavy, dark and thick for just a day or two, and other times it just extends the length of your period to get it all out. Ultimately, your next period will be much lighter and more pleasant than ever before. Other than feeling relaxed and pampered, you should not expect to see results immediately after the steam (there will be no visible discharge at the time). For more information on what to expect, and whether or not your results are "normal" check out our benefits and side effects.
I had discharge or bleeding after I yoni steamed. What does this mean?
If you have a lot of “induration” (stuck material) inside your uterus, you can probably feel that it really wants and needs to come out. In this case, the herbal steam may immediately help to loosen it. This could result in the uterine lining shedding, which would of course mean bleeding, even if it is not the usual time of the month. Don’t be alarmed, even if a lot of material comes out over the next few days.
I experienced cramps after yoni steaming. Why would this be?
Again, if the lining of your uterine walls is indurated, there is likely a great deal of material left over from past cycles that needs to be released. With the support of the herbs, your uterus will begin to work hard to release the stuck material. Because your uterus contracts when it works, this could cause some discomfort in the short term, but there is no need to worry! Your future cycles should be more comfortable as a result.
Does yoni steaming really work?
There will always be those who doubt remedies that are not proven by modern science. However, yoni steaming is a remedy that has stood the test of time. For generations, women have shared their success stories among one another, and are only now beginning to share them with the world.
My doctor told me not to try vaginal steaming. Why would this be?
Some Western medical doctors may be resistant to the idea of vaginal steaming. This is not because the treatment is dangerous or ineffective. It is simply because this is an ancient remedy that is not taught in medical schools, and there are no scientific studies to "prove" it's effectiveness, and Western doctors often feel quite uncomfortable about it as a result. However, the women who utilize this treatment understand that millennia of women's wisdom and testimonials are just as valid, if not more valuable, than a scientific study in a lab. We recommend that you ask your doctor his or her reasons for the resistance to the treatment to better understand if the recommendation to not steam is specifically related to your unique body, or is a general statement about the practice itself. Most importantly, listen to your own intuition as your guide
When is the best time of the month to steam?
You can steam at any time of the month, as long as you are not menstruating. It is typically recommended that for treating menstrual pain, you do you at least two vaginal steams in the week leading up to your period. After doing so, you will likely see a change in the fluid you pass when your period begins. You may also steam once after your cycle ends, to clear out any excess materials. You can also steam during a full moon to absorb all the energy from the moon.
How long after birth should I wait to steam?
We recommend waiting until you are no longer bleeding before doing a yoni steam. Four days postpartum is ideal if there is no fresh blood. Spotting, with dark colored blood, is okay. Obviously, in cases of extreme bleeding or hemorrhaging, a yoni steam would be contraindicated. There is not a point at which it is too late, as you will receive the benefits any time you decide to steam. Women who choose to do their first steam 4 or more months after giving birth often report getting their first cycle, even while still breastfeeding.
I am struggling with fertility challenges. Can yoni steaming help?
Yes! Yoni steaming has been seen by many women to support with fertility. There may be many reasons for fertility challenges, but one of those reasons is induration (build up of material) on the uterine wall. Yoni steaming helps to loosen that material and allow it to release through menstruation, making space for the fertilized egg to successfully attach itself. We recommend combining yoni steaming with abdominal massage therapy – the deep external massage on the uterus - for a dynamic approach that has brought many women success. It is recommended to steam at least once per week, when you are not menstruating, for three months before expecting to see results.
I have a uterine fibroid. How can vaginal steaming help me?
Uterine fibroids are noncancerous growths of the uterus that develop from the smooth muscular tissue of the uterus. A vaginal steam may support this issue in that the medicinal properties of the herbs would help the uterus to shed the excess/non-essential tissue or cells, in this case the tumorous ones. The Isis Wellness bar steams contains Motherwort because this plant is thought to be especially useful for treating fibroids and polyps. The blend also contains calendula and pink rose petals, which serve to cleanse and nourish your healthy uterine tissue. The catch is, you should not steam while you are bleeding, especially while bleeding heavily, as is often the case with uterine fibroids. When you are not bleeding, you may try a vaginal steam to gently but effectively encourage the uterus to take care of itself. Start by steaming twice per week, on the weeks that you are not menstruating, for 3-4 months to see if there is a shift.
How is vaginal seaming beneficial for women pre- or post menopause?
Yoni steaming is a wonderful treatment for pre and post menopausal women, as it may help shed excess uterine material as well as keep you connected to your powerful creative center. Whether it's used for cycling or menopausal women, the steam contains herbs that are specifically indicated to help cleanse the entire reproductive system and purge anything that is built up inside the uterus. Teacher of Maya medicine Rosita Arvigo states that women who have gone through menopause should still steam at least three times per year, and that likely, material will come out every time. In addition, many have shared that steaming has helped with post-menopausal vaginal dryness, internal discomfort, and pain during intercourse.
I've had a partial or total hysterectomy. Are there any benefits of vaginal steaming for me?
Yoni steaming is great for all aspects of female health, so it can definitely still be beneficial for you! Although all or part of the physical uterus may have been removed, the energetic center remains and can benefit from the warmth and clearing. Steaming is also great for increasing circulation, eliminating odor and eliminating bacterial infections such as yeast infections, bacterial vaginitis, cervicitis and Trichomoniasis (according to the Colorado School of Clinical Herbalism). Of course it is also a wonderful way to relax and pamper yourself, which is always a lovely benefit.
Isn't it contraindicated to steam if I have a bacterial infection (i.e. bladder infection, yeast infection, or bacterial vaginosis)?
On one hand, some say it is contraindicated to steam with any kind of bacterial infection because, in general, introducing heat and moisture to a bacterial infection is not the best way to treat it, and may make it worse. On the other hand, if you are using antimicrobial (anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal) herbs like mugwort, rosemary, and lavender , the properties of which are carried by the steam into the pores, then you may actually be effectively treating the infection by killing the microbes that cause it.. We have heard several testimonials from women who have experienced rapid and thorough relief from yeast infections, bladder infections and bacterial vaginosis. So while you want to monitor your symptoms carefully to ensure they are not worsening, the steam is worth a try if you are experiencing chronic symptoms.
Does yoni steaming increase sex drive?
Yes, yoni steaming can definitely increase sex drive! On an emotional level, yoni steaming supports us to cultivate a profound sense of self-love and increases our self-confidence (especially as it relates to our yonis!), which has great implications for a woman's sex life. On the physical level, yoni steaming increases circulation and increases lubrication, which is clearly great for the libido and sex life as well. In fact, the very act of steaming is slightly arousing, which helps us get turned on!
How long will Isis Wellness Bar Herbal blends last?
As long as they are stored in a cool, dry place, the herbs will last for approximately two years. Beyond two years, the herbal blend will still work to some degree, but may be less aromatic and potent. Herbs are thoroughly dried and sealed into a pouch that maintains freshness, and as long as herbs do not absorb any moisture from their environment, there is no risk of the herbs becoming toxic over time.
Can I use essential oils instead of herbs?
No. Please do not use essential oils, as they are far too strong for this purpose, having the potential to cause damage. Only use organic fresh or dry herbs.
Are Isis products hypo-allergenic?
All ingredients are generally safe for all skin types, yet some people may still have individual allergies to certain plant botanicals. (The same holds true for any cosmetic or food ingredient). Those with sensitivity to plants should test for reaction by placing the herbs on the back of the hand. If itchiness or discomfort occurs, do not use.
Isis Wellness Bar offers an open disclosure policy regarding ingredients, so if there is any particular botanical you seek to avoid, you will see it clearly listed on the label.
What does the word "yoni" mean and why is it used?
Although the terms are interchangeable, we use the term "yoni steam" rather than "vaginal steam" because the word yoni describes the women's reproductive system in its entirety, rather than a singular part. Indeed, the steam treats the entire system, not just the vagina. Yoni is a Sanskrit word meaning "vagina", "womb" and "origin of life".
What does the word "Isis" mean?
Isis is one of the most prominent Egyptian goddesses. Isis is the Goddess of healing. Isis is the Goddess of women and fertility. She was the protector of all women and comforted women during child birth. She is the divine mother ofthe universe.
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HoursTUES-SAT: 10am - 7pm
Telephone919 752 6513
Rated #1 for Vaginal Steams in the Triangle.